It’s no secret that this year has been much different from ones we’ve known before, and we’re so thankful to all of our customers who have continued to support us throughout the Pandemic and for our ability to give back to the community. Join us on our New Year Countdown by reminiscing on our events during 2020. First up, we were also fortunate to open a number of stores across Canada despite the impact of the pandemic. See if you recognize your local store in the list below:
Store Openings

January: Brampton Lawson
February: Barrhaven and East Hills
March: Callingwood
May: Crowfoot and Moose Jaw
June: Southcenter Mall and Rexdale
July: Peterborough, Yorkdale, and Winona Crossing
August: Humber and Oakville
September: Windsor, Shawnessy, and South Common Center
October: Spruce Grove
November: Pioneer Park, Port Hope, London North, Canary District, Dartmouth, and Rabbit Hill
MadMex (January to March)

Next, those delicious MadMex Mondays! Remember when regular burritos were a STEAL? Throughout January to March, we celebrated our dedicated customers by offering MadMex Mondays, where every regular burrito was only $5.99.
Feeding the Frontline (April)

The impact of the Pandemic was severe on the entire world. However, those who felt the mental and physical stress the most were our frontline workers. To say thank you and to help display our appreciation for the work they do on a daily basis in keeping us healthy and safe, BarBurrito launched it’s Feed the Canadian Frontline campaign. Fortunately, the community rose above the call to help, surpassing the initial $25,000 goal. Click here to read more.
Month of Gracias (August)

Fourth on our New Year Countdown: our Month of Gracias! As a way to say thanks to the communities who continually support our local franchisees, we hosted our Month of Gracias, where each day we gave away $5 regular burritos in different locations across the country! From Ontario to Calgary, we were grateful to spread some tex-mex joy despite all the happenings of 2020!
National Food Drive (November and December)

As the holidays are always a time of giving, we recognized an even greater need this year for non-perishable items. To give back to the various communities who have supported us all year long, BarBurrito launched a National Food Drive to help families and individuals affected by food insecurity this year. By partnering with 100 food banks across Canada, we, along with our wonderful customer base, were able to give back to those who needed it most this holiday season.
Homeless Care Packages (December)

During the last event on our New Year Countdown, we were able to give back in a much different way. Giving goes beyond discount days and food drives. As the weather changes, there is a great need for warm clothing items, especially in those who do not have the benefit of a warm place to call home. To do our part, various team members from British Columbia, Ontario, Alberta, and head office created, packaged, and delivered homeless care packages, complete with warm hats, scarves, socks, gloves and personal hygiene items like shampoo, hand sanitizer.
“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”
– Albert Einstein
2020 has definitely had it’s ups and downs, and giving has become more important now than ever. The BarBurrito family was happy to be able to give back to the community in these different ways, and will aspire to outdo ourselves in the year to come.
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